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اختبار الحمض النووي للقلب

سعر عادي
£ 154.80
سعر عادي
سعر البيع
£ 154.80
شامل الضريبة. الشحن محسوب عند الخروج.

سيحدد اختبار الحمض النووي للقلب الخاص بنا العلامات الموجودة في الحمض النووي الخاص بك والتي تزيد (أو تقلل) من فرصتك في تطوير مخاطر القلب والأوعية الدموية. سننظر في استجابتك لأدوية القلب ، وفرص إصابتك بجلطة دموية ووجود مستويات غير طبيعية من الكوليسترول. يأتي اختبارنا مع مراجعة طبية كاملة وتقييم من قبل طبيب ممارس.

يقيس هذا الاختبار المخاطر الوراثية القلبية تجاه:

✔️ الرجفان الأذيني

✔️ مرض الشريان التاجي

✔️ احتشاء عضلة القلب

✔️ ارتفاع ضغط الدم

✔️ مرض الشرايين المحيطية

✔️ فقر الدم المنجلي

✔️ النوع الثالث من فرط بروتينات الدم

ميولك الجينية نحو التمثيل الغذائي:

✔️ الدهون الثلاثية

✔️ HDL و LDL كوليسترول

استجابة جسمك الفطرية للأدوية التالية:

✔️ Perindopril Metabolism (مثبطات الإنزيم المحول للأنجيوتنسين)

✔️ حساسية حاصرات بيتا

✔️ استقلاب حاصرات بيتا

✔️ فيراباميل الأيض (مانع قنوات الكالسيوم)

✔️ فيراباميل مقابل أتينولول

✔️ حاصرات بيتا والاستجابة لكسر طرد البطين الأيسر

✔️ حساسية ضد الوارفارين

✔️ استقلاب كلوبيدوقرل

✔️ اعتلال عضلي يسببه الستاتين

الخطورة الجينية لتطور جلطات الدم:

✔️ تخثر وريدي

✔️ مخاطر مكملات الهوموسيستين والإستروجين

طريقة جمع العينات:

💦 مسحة خد

1. Medical Assessment

Qualified Doctors and Cardiologists will provide a medical review based on your genetic makeup and health profile.

2. Detailed reports

Your results and full reports will be available in your online portal. All DNA glitches will be shown with explanation and further in-depth reading.

3. Summary Report Infographic

A summary report can be printed from your portal. This will show your results in an easy and digestible format.

4. Specialist Support

Follow up appointments can be booked, directly from your portal, to discuss your results with a medical expert.

    Heart DNA Test - Rightangled
    Heart DNA Test - Rightangled


    dna testing review rightangled
    dna testing review rightangled
    dna testing review rightangled
    dna testing review rightangled
    dna testing review rightangled

    "I recently took a Heart DNA test and I had a very positive experience with this company who are professional and provide excellent service with support and access to medical and health specialists."

    Leigh (GB)

    "Excellent service, thorough and highly sophisticated reports. The cardiologist comment were very specific and personal."

    Sally Michaels (GB)

    "The results are very insightful and as I only get the Heart test I think I should get the Fitness test too!!"

    Customer (GB)

    "I've used a number of DNA based health services. To date, I've found this the most comprehensive with the most insightful dashboard and data.
    I'm also signing up my girlfriend to get the full DNA fitness results."

    SmartShopper (GB)

    "They highlighted facts about my health (heartand diabetes related) which no doctor could diagnose. Thank you Rightangled!!"

    Happy Customer (GB)

    اختبار الحمض النووي للقلب

    1. Cardiovascular Risk Analysis

    We screen for genetic predispositions linked to cardiovascular diseases and identify any associated risks that might be affecting your cardiac health and wellness. Your cardiologist review will give you detailed advice on how to optimise your cardiac health and wellness.

    1. Atrial Fibrillation
    Atrial fibrillation is a heart condition characterised by an irregular and abnormally fast heart rate. Symptoms include dizziness, shortness of breath, tiredness or there may be no symptoms at all. Atrial fibrillation is a major cause of stroke and coronary heart disease.

    Gene Tested: PITX2

    2. Coronary Artery Disease
    Coronary artery disease occurs when cholesterol and fatty substances are deposited along the artery walls, leading to atherosclerosis and compromising the blood supply to the heart. In turn, this can lead to a heart attack. Symptoms may not manifest until seconds before a heart attack is about to occur. The cause of coronary artery disease is strongly influenced by genetics and lifestyle, thus can be prevented.

    Gene Tested: CDH13, HNF1A, MRAS, MTHFD1L, SEZ6L, SMAD3, CXCL12, MIA3, OR13GI, APC, CDKN2B and LPL

    3. Myocardial Infarction
    A myocardial infarction, also known as a heart attack, is a life-threatening event which occurs when the blood supply to the heart is blocked causing the heart to be starved of oxygen.
    It is usually caused by a blood clot in the coronary artery. Symptoms may only occur seconds before a heart attack is about to happen. A myocardial infarction is the leading cause of death in the western world. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is the most common genetic reason for sudden cardiac deaths in the young. The best way to prevent cardiac death in the young is to screen for it early.

    Genes Tested: CXCL12, MIA3, OR13G1, PCSK9, PHACTR1, PRR4, SH2B3, WDR12 and Intergenic SNPs

    4. Hypertension
    One in four adults in the UK have high blood pressure (above 140/90 mmHg). Symptoms of this condition can be dangerous if left unnoticed. If hypertension is not treated, the blood supply to the organs can become strained, leading to heart attacks, strokes, kidney problems, blindness and other organ dysfunctions.

    Gene Tested: BCAT1 and PPARGC1A

    5. Peripheral Arterial Disease
    Peripheral arterial disease occurs due to fat deposition in the arterial walls of the arteries supplying the legs. The progressive narrowing of the arteries reduces the blood flow and can cause symptoms of pain and discomfort whilst walking. Our test will determine the risk of your arteries becoming damaged.

    Gene Tested: CHRNA3

    6. Sickle Cell Anaemia
    Sickle Cell Anaemia is an inherited condition due to a faulty gene causing red blood cells to be disc shaped rather than round. The abnormal shape causes the cells to stick together and cause a blockage in blood vessels. Individuals with one sickle cell gene and one normal gene may not present any symptoms but can pass the gene to their offspring (carriers). Those carrying both genes will develop Sickle Cell Anaemia. This test will determine how many sickle cell genes you have and the risk of passing on the gene to the next generation.

    Gene Tested: HBB

    7. Type III Hyperlipoproteinemia
    Type III hyperlipoproteinemia is a rare genetically inherited condition characterised by dysfunctional breakdown of lipids, causing a build-up of fatty materials in blood vessels. The fatty substances can build up in the arteries and obstruct blood flow, leading to coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction or peripheral vascular disease.

    Gene Tested: APOE

    2. Fats (Lipid) Metabolism

    Everyone processes food differently. We analyse how your genetics and lifestyle impact your metabolism in relation to cardiac related nutrients. Our test guides you towards a lifestyle and diet that can optimise your health and maintain healthy lipid levels in your body

    1. Triglycerides
    Triglycerides are a component of body fat present in the blood. They have a vital role in the transportation of body fat from the arteries to the liver. High level of triglycerides are associated with an increased risk of heart disease. By detecting the triglyceride level, you can prevent heart complications.


    2. HDL Cholesterol
    High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) is known as ‘good’ cholesterol as it removes 'bad' cholesterol from the blood vessels and transports it to the liver. High levels of HDL are associated with a lower risk of developing cardiovascular complications. The test determines your HDL levels and the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.


    3- LDL Cholesterol
    Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) is known as ‘bad’ cholesterol as it transports cholesterol from the liver to the blood vessels. Gradually, the vessels become narrowed and can lead to heart attacks or strokes. This test will determine your LDL levels and the associated risk of developing cardiovascular complications.

    Genes Tested: LDLR, MAFB, NCAN, PCSK9, ABCG8, APOB, CELSR2, HMGCR, HNF1A and Intergenic SNPs

    3. Heart Medications Response

    Many prescribed drugs may not work for you. This can lead to a long course of ineffective treatment. Our test can help your practitioner personalise your course of treatment by identifying the drugs that will benefit you the most.

    1. ACE inhibitors
    Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) inhibitors are long-acting drugs used to treat hypertension. Alterations to the gene enzyme increase the chances of severe side effects. The test determines your risk of developing cardiac events while using this class of drugs.

    Gene Tested: AGTR1 and BDKRB1

    2. Beta-blockers sensitivity
    Beta-blockers are a drug class used in the treatment of angina, heart failure, atrial fibrillation and high blood pressure. The drug reduces the stress and pressure produced by the heart, reduces the blood pressure and decreases risk of cardiac damage. The test detects your receptor sensitivity to beta blockers, to ensure the drug will respond within your body.

    Gene Tested: GRK5

    3. Beta-Blockers metabolism
    Beta-blocker are used to treat angina, heart attacks, atrial fibrillation and hypertension. A liver enzyme is responsible for breaking down sixty percent of the drug. Testing this drug's metabolism will determine your individual enzyme level in the body, which will indicate the precise recommended dose to be given to you. Prescribing the correct dose can reduce the risk of side effects.

    Gene Tested: CYP2D6

    4. Calcium Channel Blockers
    Calcium channel blockers (CCBs) are used to treat hypertension, angina and arrhythmias (irregular heartbeats). By blocking calcium entry into blood vessels, the vessels dilate and reduce blood pressure. Genetic variabilities within the calcium gene can cause unfavourable reactions when on treatment. The test would determine your risk of developing cardiac problems whilst on this medication.

    Gene Tested: NOS1AP

    5. Beta-blockers V Calcium Channel Blockers
    Beta-blockers and Calcium channel blockers are two classes of drugs used to treat high blood pressure and heart diseases. Our genes control how effectively we respond to one treatment over another. The test would show which drug is most effective for you.

    Gene Tested: CACNA1C

    6. Beta-blockers and Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction Response
    Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction (LVEF) is the percentage of oxygenated blood being pumped around the body after each heartbeat. LVEF is particularly important in detecting the extent of heart failure. This test determines your heart efficiency response following beta-blocker treatment.

    Gene Tested: CACNA1C and ADRB1

    7. Anticoagulants sensitivity
    Anticoagulant drugs are used to prevent blood clots forming in the body. This test will determine your ability to metabolise anticoagulants and identifying the optimal dose for your body. A dose which is too high may cause excessive bleeding and a haemorrhage. A dose which is too low may cause a blood clot and a subsequent stroke. Therefore, identifying your ideal dose is vital.

    Gene Tested: CYP2C9 and VKORC1

    8. Antiplatelets metabolism
    Anti-platelet drugs are used to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. The drug works by preventing platelets from binding together that would otherwise cause blood clots. This test will determine your metabolic ability to the drug, allowing a precise dose to be given.

    Gene Tested: CYP2C19

    9. Lipids Lowering Drugs Induced Myopathy
    A class of drugs is used to reduce the amount of cholesterol in your blood. A common side effect of these lipid lowering drugs is myopathy (muscle disease). The test determines your risk of developing myopathy due to drug usage.

    Gene Tested: SLCO1B1

    4. Blood Clot Risk Analysis

    Approximately 90% of pulmonary emboli are caused by dislodged fragments from asymptomatic thrombotic blood clots. Our test informs your clinician's decision making by identifying the heritable cause of thrombosis and the risk of developing a thrombotic event.

    1. Venous Thrombosis
    Venous thrombosis is a disease whereby a blood clot forms within a vein and stops the flow of blood. The clot can break off into the bloodstream and get trapped in a smaller artery in the lungs or brain. Blocking an artery in the lungs or brain can cause life-threatening conditions, a pulmonary embolism or a stroke. These conditions can be prevented if a venous thrombosis is detected.

    Gene Tested:MTHFR, Prothrombin and Factor V Leiden

    2. Homocysteine and Oestrogen Supplements Risk
    Homocysteine is an amino acid, which in high levels can cause arterial damage and blood clots in the body. Folate deficiency and increased levels of homocysteine is linked with increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease. The test will determine your specific folate and homocysteine levels, to allow you to make dietary changes.

    Genes Tested: MTHFR

    Hormone replacement therapy drugs and combined oral contraceptive pills contain oestrogen, which is known to increase the risk of developing clotting disorders and thrombosis. The test would determine your genetic predisposition to developing thrombosis when taking drugs containing oestrogen.

    Gene Tested:Factor V Leiden and F2 Prothrombin

    How it works

    • 1. Order your Heart DNA Test

    • 2. Collect your cheek swab and send to the lab

    • 3. Receive your results with medical assessments online.

    Add to the cart and proceed to Checkout. That all what you need to do in orde rto get your home sampling kit delivered to your doorstep. All orders received before 3 pm are dispatched on the same day for a next day delivery.

    Follow the instructions manual provided inside your kit to collect your saliva sample and return to the lab, you will be provided with a pre-paid return envelope to return your sample to the lab Free of charge.

    Within 10 working days you will be notified by email to log in to your online portal and access your reports with the doctor's review and medical assessments.

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    A DNA Test you can trust

    • ISO Accredited Labs

      All of our tests are processed at ISO and UKAS accredited labs in the UK

    • GMC Registered Doctors

      Genetic reports and consultations is provided by UK registered Doctors

    • CQC registered (Rated Good)

      Rightangled is a CQC registered healthcare provider with a "Good" rating (May 2022)

    "Our genetic makeup is beyond our control, yet is a critical part of determining the risk of many of these diseases, as well as the response to treatment. This is where genetic analyses such as the Heart DNA test comes in"

    Professor Sir John Cuinningham

    heart DNA test rightangled

    Cardiologists review of genetic reports.

    Our tests come with a medical consultation and review from some of the top tier doctors in the UK. Access your reports with confidence about the analysis provided with your test.

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    Access the right type of knowledge

    Our customer support is available 7 days a week via Livechat and email. In addition, we have a large list of articles to view and read on our knowledge hub.

    Go to the Knowledge Hub


    What type of analysis are you using?

    Just a heads up; this is going to get very scientific.

    Our genotyping is done through bead-chip based microarrays. We will analyse your sample through a genotyping technology that utilises competitive allele-specific bead-chip array, which enables highly accurate bi-allelic scoring of SNPs (99.8% accurate) and indels (insertions and deletions) at specific loci across a wide range of genomic DNA samples (SNP and indel assay conversion rate 90%). This way we limit the risk of false-positive and false-negative results.

    What is the evidence base behind the test?

    Our Heart DNA test covers 24 genetic reports that are based on qualified and accepted research. The scientific evidence is based on Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS) and on large scale Meta-analysis studies. All markers and interpretations in our pharmacogenetic tests are also based on internationally accepted and recognised guidelines, such as those adopted by the FDA and found on the prescription guidelines for anticoagulant drugs.