أزيترومايسين 250 مجم أقراص


Azithromycin: Bacterial infection treatment.

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Azithromycin 250mg Tablets - Rightangled

Quick view Summary

  • Type of medicine

    Macrolide Antibiotic

  • Effective within

    Varies based on infection; Improvement may start within a few days

  • Works by

    Inhibiting bacterial growth

  • Active ingredient

    Azithromycin dihydrate

  • Strength

    250 mg and 500 mg film-coated tablets

  • Common side effects

    Diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, headache, skin rashes, fatigue, joint pain

  • Generic


  • Use with alcohol

    It is generally recommended to avoid alcohol while taking Azithromycin

أزيترومايسين 250 مجم أقراص


أزيثروميسين هو وصفة طبية دواء فقط. وهو دواء مضاد حيوي يستخدم لعلاج عدد من الالتهابات البكتيرية. الكلاميديا مرض ينتقل عن طريق الاتصال الجنسي تسببه البكتيريا. يعمل أزيثروميسين عن طريق قتل البكتيريا ، لاحتوائه على مضادات حيوية من الماكرولايد.


Read this leaflet carefully before starting your treatment with Azithromycin. Keep it for future reference. If you have any questions, consult your doctor or pharmacist. This medication is prescribed for your use only. Do not share it with others, as it may harm them even if their symptoms are similar to yours.

Always follow your doctor's or pharmacist's instructions when taking Azithromycin. The recommended doses are as follows:
For adults and children weighing 45 kg or more: A 3-day course of 500 mg once daily, or a 5-day course with varying doses.
For infections caused by Chlamydia trachomatis: A single 1000 mg dose.
Special Considerations
Children under 45 kg should use other forms of the medicine.
Patients with kidney or liver problems may require dose adjustments.
Elderly individuals can use the same dosage as adults.
Take the tablets with water, with or without food.


The active ingredient in Azithromycin 250mg Tablets is azithromycin dihydrate, which plays a pivotal role in inhibiting bacterial protein synthesis. This ensures the disruption of bacterial growth and curbs the progression of infections. Inactive ingredients, such as cellulose compounds and other pharmaceutical excipients, contribute to the tablet's stability and facilitate its administration.

Side effects

Like all medications, Azithromycin can cause side effects, although not everyone experiences them. Common side effects may include diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, flatulence, and more. Serious allergic reactions and skin issues may occur rarely. If you experience severe side effects, consult your doctor immediately.


Do not take Azithromycin if you are allergic to certain antibiotics or any of its ingredients.
Inform your doctor of all medications you are taking, as some may interact with Azithromycin.
If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or planning a pregnancy, consult your doctor before using this medication.
This medicine may cause dizziness, so avoid driving or operating machinery until you know how it affects you.
Azithromycin contains lactose and a small amount of sodium.

Patient information leaflet

Download patient information leaflet (PIL) on the link below:


Is Azithromycin effective against viral infections like the flu or common cold?

No, Azithromycin is an antibiotic specifically designed to treat bacterial infections. It is not effective against viral infections such as the flu or common cold.

Can I consume alcohol while taking Azithromycin?

It is generally recommended to avoid alcohol while taking Azithromycin. Alcohol consumption may interact with the medication and potentially increase the risk of certain side effects. Consult your doctor or pharmacist for personalized advice.

How long does it take for Azithromycin to start working?

The onset of Azithromycin's effects can vary depending on the type and severity of the infection. Some individuals may start to experience improvement within a few days, while others may take the full prescribed course to see noticeable results.

Can I take Azithromycin if I have a history of heart problems?

If you have a history of heart problems or conditions like long QT syndrome, it's important to inform your doctor before taking Azithromycin. Certain heart-related issues may require special consideration when using this medication.

Is Azithromycin safe for use during pregnancy?

Azithromycin should only be used during pregnancy if explicitly advised by your doctor. While there is insufficient information available about its safety during pregnancy, your healthcare provider will weigh the potential benefits against the risks before recommending its use.

Medically reviewed and published

This page was medically reviewed by Dr Sohaib Imtiaz, Clinical Lead |

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